That picture was taken at the Teen Mom 2 Reunion. Amber is 5'4" and now weighs 118 pounds. I will be completely honest and say that I didn’t even recognize her. For one, her hair is a couple shades lighter. She also has eased up on the amount of black eyeliner. She is a lot thinner. The thinnest I’ve ever seen her. Now, I don’t know Amber personally, so I have no clue what she looked like before having Leah, but I do think she has lost a lot of weight in what seems like a short period of time. I really hope that she is doing it the right way. I know that being on TV and in the spotlight can have a negative effect on the way a girl feels about her body. People can be very mean. Girls end up feeling like the only way to make the mean words stop is to altar their body. Just look at what Heidi Montag has done to herself. It should be interesting to see Amber’s weight loss transformation play out during the rest of the season of Teen Mom.
I don't know why but I really like Amber and for some reason I identify with her the most out of all the girls on the show. I'm not a teen mom and am probably too old for this show, but her directness and honesty is something I admire. I think she is doing the best she can. She just needs help mentally and have more help from her family. Most of the other girls on the show have help from their family to babysit and pay bills, and she doesn't have any of that.
ReplyDeleteGive her a break she looks wonderful and it seems like she just started eating healthy food and working out more. It is possible to lose weight fast when you follow a good food plan! I hope she starts to feel better and pull herself from depression. I'm rooting for you kid.
Amber is a horrible mother! She let's her jail bird boyfriend change & dress Leah cuz she's too lazy to do it. Not to mention that she can't even gather the strength to do laundry cuz she's so effin lazy! She whines about Gary not helping out with bills, when the truth is that he's the only one with a job! That lazy ho is getting government assistance, which means that us hard working people WITH jobs are paying for her to shop for clothes for HERSELF, have her nails done, buy giant cups of soda from the convienence store & take Krav Maga lessons. I guess the good thing is that our tax dollars aren't going to support her drug habit, now that she has creepy Chris to supply her! Honestly, how do you think she lost so much weight in such a short period of time when she sleeps in all the time & can't bother to lift a finger to clean or to finish the work to get the high shool diploma she's been whining about getting! I saw an epsisode after the psycho lost weight, where she was drinking a regular soda, that means not diet. If she was so fricken health consious she would not drink soda period but if she did feel inclined to have a soda common sense would dictate that it would be diet! However, if you are doing drugs you have some leeway when it comes to the amount of calories you consume. I love how after the show aired where she punched & kicked Gary, both of them fled to Florida, for a MUCH deserved vacation. Therefore, the authorites in IN cannot interview them or file charges against Amber until they come back home. I don't feel sorry for Gary anymore. He's an idiot for falling for her fake ass crying & he deserves what he gets! THIS IS KAT, the account is under my husband's name but I AM talking to you Amber & I AM calling YOU out! Think you're so tought Amber, come talk to me! I'll set your dumb ass straight!!!
ReplyDeleteHaven't your parents taught you that if you don't have something good to say NOT to say it? I am sure Amber is not the best mother in the world. But instead of saying all the negative things about her, maybe you could be the one person in the world to step up and say...I will do what I can to help this girl so she can become a better person and mother!!
ReplyDeletewow people calm down now! Amber is very lazy that I agree with. All she is ever doing is laying in bed or talking on the phone. Her daughter was climbing on hte entertainment center about to knock the tv down and amber did nothing. she just sat there and said no leah get down leah but never got up to ger leah down herself. I hate watching Amber because she's just an idiot! I would like to say though that I think its funny that Gary got on Amber for meeting Chris at Walmart when he himself started falling for a girl and even went on a date with the girl he met at Walmart while buying diapers..hypocrit. But Gary is a much better parent then Amber anyday.
ReplyDeleteChris is a registered sex offender charged with SEXUAL MOLESTATION
Waht kind of parent would let a strange man into her home around her child without even looking into his past? She doesn't deserve custody.
It was completely inappropriate for a strange guy to be changing her daughter's diaper- it's not like Amber was hurt or incapable- she was just being lazy- as usual- and she was getting off on seeing how much she could "get" out of this guy- like cleaning her house and doing her dishes- it was a gross display of what kind of mother and person she is. But now that I just saw the link of him being a child sex offender- That is just sick! She is such a moron and she should thank god that POS didn't touch or harm Leah- that we know of anyway. Gary had every right to be upset over some strange guy changing his daughter- and little did he know he was a child molester. I hope Amber gets her life together for Leah's sake.
ReplyDeleteAnd btw- in response to the previous discussion- Leah may not exactly "remember" the violence that went on in front of her- but the fighting she heard and witnessed will have a negative effect on her- and will come out in different ways as she gets older- it's not like everything she went through will be erased- it's in her subconscious- unfortunately.
Gastric bypass....