The question that’s on everyone’s mind is; how did Amber lose all that weight so fast? She looks great! If you remember, Amber was quite a bit heavier at the Teen Mom Reunion.
Amber on MTV's 16 & Pregnant
Amber on MTV's Teen Mom last season
That looks like quite a difference. Some are saying that Amber decided to take martial arts to lose her weight. I really have to wonder how she found time. We see her constantly complaining about not being able to get her GED because she doesn’t have a sitter. How can she find a sitter to go to a martial arts class, but not get her GED? This girl has got to get her priorities straight. She could have a bought a treadmill from Walmart with the money she used to pay for the martial arts class (if it’s true) and exercised at home with Leah, and then used the time when she had a babysitter to study for her GED.
We also saw Amber taking medication last season. Depending on what the medication is, it could have caused her to lose some of the weight.
I’m sure her weight loss will be talked about on the new season of Teen Mom. Maybe we’ll even get to see Amber’s transformation take place on our television screens. Who knows. I just hope she lost the weight the right way.
I don't care how much weight she lost. She is a pure "B" and as you can see from the background.....still a lazy trifling slob. Clean up your attitude and house AMBitch
ReplyDeleteThat is mostly really bad photo shop. Look on the left side, it's pixelated for god's sake.
ReplyDeleteLike your blog will be back
ReplyDeletethere is another pic of her floating around and it is the same pose, same hair, same earrings. Just a different shirt. So I think it is photo shop. But if she did lose the weight the exercise alone may have helped her with her depressive and angry personality.
she looks really great! its kinda shocking tho. hope she did it the right way!!!!
ReplyDeletei agree. amber needs to put leah's needs before her own. that's one of the sacrifices you make when you become a parent.
ReplyDeleteyou look beautiful. all power too you. i wish i could do that. please teach me how :)
ReplyDeletethis show makes me mad im a teen mom 21 my daughter is 4 maybe they should have a show about real teen moms not teen moms who have their parents who pay for all their stuff! i did my life the hard way pregnant at 16 worked til the day i had her graduated early worked my butt off with out the dad i am teen mom sheesh i need a show-Jasmine
ReplyDeleteyou're jealous. let the girl live her life the way she wants to!
ReplyDeletemind yr own business
Yeah, I know Amber personally, not something I brag about, but she just starved herself...that's all she did...she's just trying to create an image for herself other than trash, and it may be working, but it's fake.
ReplyDeleteOnce you discover all the information about proactol we have put together for you, you won't need to look anywhere else again.
ReplyDeleteanonymous-Do you really know her personally?
ReplyDeleteadderall!! You loose weight fast. She probably gets it free since she gets help from the government. I think she looks great and y'all just haters! Clearly she's doin somethin right if people blogging bout her:) and takin care of her body is helpin Leah. She needs to think about her health to help her daughter live a healthy lifestyle. And to be around long enough for her! So keep it up girl - you look fabulous!
ReplyDeleteSomeone needs to call child protective services! Who cares about her weight loss, she's still out of control and her child is in danger.
ReplyDeleteOh my God, she is a horrible person, inside & out. She's a horrible mother, a horrible girlfriend/fiancee/ex-fiancee. I'm not sure I've ever seen anyone as selfish & abusive, both verbally & physically...and mentally abusive to Leah. Poor Leah. When is Gary going to wake up, call the cops, have her scrawny a$$ thrown in jail, and then file for an emergency hearing for custody of Leah???? She needs to go to jail, then she needs to get counseling, THEN maybe she can have some supervised visitation. But right now, she is a POISON to Gary & Leah that neither one of them should have to deal with. Leah can't fight for herself so DADDY should step up & do what's right for his baby girl. And Gary...AMBER DOES NOT LOVE YOU...SHE NEVER WILL...and if you get married, she'l be f****** her "Krav Maga" instructor in no time, if she isn't already. Between the weight loss & the mood swings, I think she should be drug tested. Crazy a$$ b!tch!!! Oh my God, she INFURIATES me!!!!! I was a teen mom also, my daughters is 16 now, she's my best friend, and I DIDN'T have her "sperm donor" around to help. Amber is just lazy & spoiled & doesn't think she should have to sacrifice to make the best possible life for her DAUGHTER. She has an ugly soul. And I thought Farrah was bad...whew!!...Farrah doesn't have anything on Amber. I started watching this show as a tool to teach my teenagers about the risks involved with having sex (unprotected or not), but Amber has gotten WAY to camera-happy & is trying to create drama, she needs to NOT be on the show anymore. On the other hand, it's brought up alot of conversations with my kids about domestic abuse as well, so I guess having her there isn't all bad. What goes around, comes around and she will get what she has coming to her...her daughter is going to HATE her and she will lose the support of anyone around her.
ReplyDeleteDuring the show when Gary came in and took Leah telling Amber that he was not bringing her back. He then threatened to call child services. He asked Amber if she took her medication. She said she did. It seems that it is a med that has to do with how she is acting. Anyway, would someone talk to Gary about calling for help? Get that baby away from her. She has been hitting poor Leah!!! Enough is enough!!! Gary, wake up!
ReplyDeleteHow are you going to kick your baby's father out of your house (on camera) & then turn around 10 seconds later & tell the baby that "he left us" (on camera). Does she not realize that the camera is video taping all of it??? If she's that irresponsible that she has to have someone tell her to take her medicine, then she should be in a hospital. Or...if she's taking her medication & it's obviously not working, then she needs to be in a hospital until she is ALL BETTER.
ReplyDeleteDang, I seriously thought I was the only one who thought this way about her. She is such a douche. Someone said she is the next Kate Gosselin, I agree!!! Let me tell you, my post has NOTHING to do with jealousy, I am not jealous of her. She needs to learn to respect people, and know that one day her fame will be gone, so she needs to start treating those who love her with some respect. Amber must have got her attitude from her family b/c her parents haved ragged on Gary since day one. She may have trimmed the pounds off her waistline, but she shoulda worked on trimming her bitchy ass attitude.
ReplyDeletePeople are actually comparing her to Kate Gosselin? Seriously, she only wishes. Kate is nothing like her. Yeah, Kate did yell a lot when she was married to John, but seriously..think about it. She had 8 actual children and then John who acted like he was one. So basically she was a single mom with 9 children. Amber on the other hand, has Gary. Gary seems to really enjoy and love being a daddy. I mean, watch the HUGE difference between the way Leah acts/behaves with both Amber and Gary. With Amber she cries (non stop)for a while I was thinking oh geez thinking it was just the baby...but then you watch her with Gary and she is smiling and happy. If she cries she settles right down when her daddy has her. That speaks volumes.
ReplyDeleteShe is absolutely NOTHING like Kate Gosselin!! I'm not the biggest fan of Kate and ya Kate has her moments but has she ever punched, kicked or attacked Jon? No! Has she gone off on cussing tyraids to Jon in front of the kids? No! When her kids are having fits does she throw them in their rooms and let them scream their heads off and ignore them while she lays on her bed? No! To all of you comparing Amber to Kate....you are crazy! Amber needs serious help! She is 100% crazy, nota good mother and verbally, mentally and physically abusive to evryone. Gary needs to grow a pair and stick up for himself and his daughter instead of letting her be a part of it. Its actually a sad situation! But nothing even close to the Gosselins!
ReplyDeleteI can't stand her!! I was so mad at last episode when she was punching/slapping/kicking Gary I wanted to jump through the TV!! I hope she goes to jail.
ReplyDeleteOkkkk so I'm a teen mom also I'm 18 she's going on 2.& amber is just bein real. We all have our days& I kno I get just as crazy as she does,& I don't take any medication! But amber is jus bein amber& I give her mad props for doin her fuck what all these haterz have to say she's gutta like me. But I take care of business. So ppl shouldn't speak becuz they probably never been in her situation! NUFF SAID! -nikole.honey
ReplyDeleteYour right...everyone has their days. Everyone feels the pressure of taking care of their children and trying to deal with the stresses of everyday life. EVERYONE does NOT go off on psychotic physically violent fits and EVERYONE does NOT cuss and act that way in front of our children. You are praising yourself and Amber for acting that way because its considered "taking care of business" and just being who you are. They difference between you and her(according to you) is that you don't take medication. If you really do act like her and you really don't see anything wrong about her behavior, then you NEED to be on medication!!!! NUFF SAID!!
Gary should have left Amber a long time ago and taken Leah with him. If I had to guess Amber is bi-polar, due to the way she reacts to things. Amber needs to get some help for herself, before she can be a good mom. Gary however has not always been the best dad either, but it seems that his eyes are opening and he seems to be stepping up to the plate. Gary keep doing what you are doing and stay away from Amber. Amber go and get some help on how to control your behavior. If both of you do this, then maybe one day you will be able to get along for the sake of Leah.
ReplyDeleteShes been doing MMA style fighting. That means alot of hard work. I have been doing it for 2 months and lost 20 lbs. You really work up a sweat when you have as much tenstion as she did because of Gary.
ReplyDeleteWe all make mistakes! To everyoe in here... Don't try to compare your mistakes to others! I'm sure there are things in here that Amber would never do what you did! We all have bad skeletons in our closets. ALL OF US and Amber is going to do exactly what we all did and thats learn from them. I like to see everyone who is mad at Amber and I would like to take the proverberal camera staright through your whole lives...ya , none of ya'll would like that. Hellll no. Also, to the people who love to spell check other people...remember..Unabomber Ted Kaczynski had an I.Q. of 165.
ReplyDeleteall of you guys are fucking stupid ya maybe shes not the best mom but ive seen way worse! & remember gary used to treat her badd & if you was a long time fan you would kno that! & i love amber yahh i think she should control her angry more & take care of herself & house more but shes real an dgaf! theres mothers out there that smoke crack or shoot up. get real it could be by far worse! & incase nobody watchs new & suchh do you see these moms out ehre giving there kidds drugs & tattoos & beer not to metion killing there own kids, yall need to get a life & get off her shit! really & it might be how her meds affect her bc i personily am on alot of meds for angry depression & such & sometimes certain meds stop working & you gotta switch around & find something that works for you witch is a tough process. get real yall a bunch of lames.
ReplyDeleteYou are right...lets just ignore the ridiculous behavior because its okay...at least she is not smoking crack or whatever. Just for your information. You are the one who is "fucking stupid". Your post doesn't make sense. Learn how to type and learn how to spell and form an actual sentence.
Also, the fact that there are "way worse" mothers out there means nothing...she still is not acting properly or taking care of that little girl the way that she should. I am a long time fan and yes, Gary has treated her bad but he never beat her or acted like a white trash piece of shit!
And thank you for clearing up the fact that you are on "alot of meds for angry depression". I would have never guessed(ya right) and maybe you should get a prescription for stupidity pills while you are at. I hope one day you meet Amber. You two can live together in crazyville!!!
The unabomber had an I.Q. of 165!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? Thats what you are using to make a point on here!! Get real!
ReplyDeleteThere's no excuse for Amber's behavior. She should have consequences for hitting Gary and neglecting Leah. It makes me so mad! I hope she gets a wake up call!!! No one and no child deserves to be treated this way. She should definitley not get away with it. Doing it on TV shows how dumb she is. She's a horrible example of a teen mom...now everyone needs to see what happens to a person who is abusive!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI don't know why but I really like Amber and for some reason I identify with her the most out of all the girls on the show. I'm not a teen mom and am probably too old to be watching this show, but her directness and honesty is something I admire. I think she is doing the best she can. She just needs help with depression and have more help from her family. Most of the other girls on the show have help from their family to babysit and pay bills, and she doesn't have any of that.
ReplyDeleteGive her a break she looks wonderful and it seems like she just started eating healthy food and working out more. It is possible to lose weight fast when you follow a good food plan! I hope she starts to feel better and pull herself from depression. I'm rooting for you kid.
I was a teen mom and have since grown into a young adult. I have been there and I know how difficult and stressful it is. With that being said I have no respect for Amber AT ALL. I'm a firm believer that you create your own reality and she has created her own white trash saga. I truly feel sorry for baby Leah. She is dressed in dirty clothes and lays in a crib with no sheets. Amber throws her on her crib and slams the door leaving her baby crying so she can go to bed. It's apalling. But yet you see Amber driving her new car and wearing name brand clothes and eating out. Being a mother is about sacrificing and putting your child's wellbeing first. It is neglect and those who say it isn't are clearly on Ambers level. Gary had issues at the beginning and was selfish but he has mature# much throughout the course of the show. He should take his daughter and fight for full custody. Amber needs to grow up and be a good mother. She needs to clean her house and wash some clothes and cribsheets. She chose to have Leah so step up to the plate and provide that baby with a clean environment. Love her and cherish her because she will grow up so quickly. Nobody said being a mother was easy. It is hard exhausting and a never ending job full of sacrifice and tears. It is also full od joy and laughter and unconditional love. Become a responsible adult and get educated so you can provide for your child. Lead by example. I went to college and busted my butt to earn a degree to provide for my family. My son was so proud to watch me get my diploma. Amber needs to realize what is important in life and needs to stop with the drama. She needs to be careful with her daughter and quit letting her new boyfriend change her diaper and clothes. One of these days she's going to be on tv crying her eyes out because something awful has happened to leah saying how she just has np idea how that happened. It's sad and disgusting. She needs serious counseling and help. And she needs to get het money back on theeds cause clearly they aren't helping.
ReplyDeleteamber,i hope you get to read this stuff , you
ReplyDeleteonly have so much time with your baby, she is going to grow up fast. in the firs three years of her life she is observing you and adapting her own personality, you are not the best role model for her, pleas recap and watch Leah little face everytime you start screaming , she looks at you with fear, and sadness., she looks at gary with desperate look of get me out of here, watch your self, your planting your own path of more destruction as someone in cps is watching you too and all show is , is evidence of the horrible enviroment your child is in. she needs a loving home. Amber the saying : you dont know what you have until its gone : will be applied to your life after its too late, get help change your life for Leah she deserves a clean happy stress free life. its in your hands.
whyy ery body madd?
ReplyDeleteThis is the state of america today..a woman hits a man on camera what more proof do you need..and they will check it out??? If the man did this he goes to jail period..If you cross the physical line with another person it is assault ..doesnt matter what you have between your legs..she should be in jail ..I dont care how long you have followed her what kind of stress shes under or what background info you have on this person..She committed a crime on tv theres proof..now she should do the time..nothing personal about it :)
ReplyDeleteAmber is such trash the people in her hometown don't even want her around! I hope they run out of the states that she would have to go live in a cave with the other most hated person in the world...bin laden!
ReplyDeleteAmber and I had a relationship for about six months during the summer of 2008. I met her at Shenanigans one night, and we hit it off pretty well. I had not ever seen the show, so I didnt know who she was, or even that she had Leah.It was pretty much just a hook up kind of thing, she would come to my apartment and we would watch movies and fool around. One day there was a knock at my door, when I answered it, there was a pretty upset fat guy standing in my doorway. It was Gary. He told me all about their relationship, and then dropped the bomb that they had a kid together. Needless to say I felt like a complete piece of crap, and I told him that I really had no idea that she was in a relationship with a kid. I felt horrible.She called later that night after Gary left, and asked me what I had told him. I told her that I told him everything, I had nothing to hide. Get this, she then started screaming at me, saying that I might have ripped their family apart!?!?!I was in complete awe. I told her never to call me or come over ever again. WTF. Anyways, I got online and watched the series. I cannot believe how batshit crazy this girl is. We saw each other at LEAST twice a week. Where was her daughter? Where was Gary? She must have been a great friggen liar, because she had us both fooled. She is the definition of trash.
ReplyDeleteYou know what, maybe she is on that weight loss B12 shot? My friend lost 64lbs in 3 months just from taking that shot (they also give you an appetite suppressant and a diet chart. Thats the only thing I can think of...or she does coke. Who knows. I started a group call 10,000 Against Amber Portwood (Teen Mom) on facebook...feel free to join and discuss how she is a horrible parent and an overall horrible person.
ReplyDeletei think shes a nasty, UGLY, fat ass. she thinks shes hot cause she lost her baby weight... big effing deal, shes still a chunk. the pores on her nose are like 1" in diameter. i think gary is a lazy couch potato but he doesnt deserve the way she treats him. i have a small child and i would NEVER act that way especially around him... she should have her daughter taken away and she needs to get some serious help. not to mention shes supposedly a slut now too... haha
ReplyDeleteShe used cocaine.
ReplyDeleteAmber is so stupid and annoying! I took the GED and it really wasn't that hard. The math was the hardest part for me. But when you look at SAT/ACT math, the math on the GED is like really easy. It took me 4-5 months of studying plus classes. Amber already does let someone watch her baby when she goes to martial arts class or when she had a job. Why is it that she has enough time for martial arts class but not enough time for studying for a diploma? Pff getting my GED was my priority. It's sad how she doesn't care about getting her education. And she got mad when Gary said, "I want a woman who knows what she wants to do in life". I have to agree with what he said.
ReplyDeleteshe really lost a lot!
ReplyDeleteWow well here ya go Amber is crazy and her kid should be given to Gary while she gets her stuff together. Don't get me wrong I love this show and all the girls who where on it, but I feel soooo sorry for Gary and Leah and Even Amber. Its hard enough to be going threw all this (mental/anger issues and whatever else) but for it to be shown to the whole world and then her be mocked by everyone. Im not on her side by all means hopefully she watches herself on TV and see how she acts and sees that she needs to change, and for all yinz that says for people to mind our business this is our business did you forget that she signed a contract for all her business to be seen talked about and all... So that's kinda dumb of you to tell us to mind ours because anyone who watches the show has a right to their own opinion about it.... P.S. Amber You Need To Find God!!!!
ReplyDeletei wonder if Amber has watched her own show. she was messed up and abusive to Gary and tried to always make him look like the idiot, i feel bad for both Gary and Leah. Supposedly they are back together again,,, if this is true, what is Gary thinking? He isn't going to be safe and neither is Leah. If she pulled this behaviour on film, I can only imagine what goes on behind closed doors.
ReplyDeleteShut up Ho
ReplyDeleteNice post...it's a great achievement to losing the weight.
She need to be locked up in a hostile for a long time and does not need her kid at all the kid would be better off in the welfare system
ReplyDeleteI feel bad for Leah. She needs to be with someone other than Amber. If I were Gary I would have left and never looked back. I kinda have a feeling that she will be the next Casey Anthony. I would hate to see that happen. So I hope Gary gets full custody of her before it comes to that. Amber needs serious help, to be locked up in a psyco-ward for a while. Maybe then she will understand she needs to grow up, control her anger, && be a mother!