It seems like the Teen Mom girls are showing up everywhere lately. I can't pick up a magazine without seeing a story printed about them. Amber was on E! News and Perez Hilton the other day for the domestic abuse. What happened to these girls just wanting to be role models and wanting to prevent teen pregnancy?
The show is doing quite well on MTV. The finale even beat Jersey Shore in ratings. With that said, MTV is in talks for another Teen Mom/ 16 and Pregnant spin off. Why, oh why?
I'm glad that MTV is trying to show the "realness" of teen pregnancy and being a teen mother, but they are failing miserably. I don't know about everyone else, but I watch Teen Mom for the entertainment that it provides. I highly doubt too many people turn on their TVs and see these girls as role models. However, it does seem like Maci Bookout is the most popular among fans, and most do see her as a role model.
I really think another spin-off of the show is too much, and again, it will just show girls that they have another shot at getting on some show on MTV if they pregnant as a teen. Not cool.
I think that these Teen Mom shows have become double edged swords. They are positive because there are have been some episodes (most) whereit has shown realistic portrayal of being a teen mother. In Farrah's experiances specifically. This girl has shown us in many ways how being a teen mother can be hard and how no matter what you are going to have to succumb to sitautions where you fail miserably. (her car scam) Maci's portrayal of being a teen mom has showed us how hard it can be dealing with custody and the reality that even though there will always be some form of connection with your babys father, he might not stick around. Babies change lives and I think that the mothers from Teen Mom show that undoubtedly. However, I think it is the media that is ruining these shows. These girls are still young and they get suckered into these interviews because I think alot of them still feel they are "helping" the teen mom issue. They dont realize its gone from preventing to promoting. I watched an episode of that new show "baby high" and I think (so far) this show has protrayed being a teen mother much more accurately than Teen Mom or Sixteen and pregnant. The only problem I have is that not ALL pregnant teens have the oppurtunity to go to a school designed for pregnant mothers. Hope the shows keeps up!