Jenelle Evans from season 2 of 16 & Pregnant has signed over her rights to baby Jace. Her mom now has temporary custody of the child. It is said that Jenelle’s mom has custody because Jenelle failed a DSS test.

This doesn’t really surprise me after seeing the way Jenelle acted on her episode. She says she got a bad edit, but it looks like it was pretty fair after reading some of her updates on Myspace and Twitter. Jenelle is infamous for being the mom who smoked weed while pregnant, and claimed that being a mom was like being in prison. She’s constantly being bashed on Formspring for being an “unfit mother” and not using a carseat the correct way.
I do think this was the best choice for Jace. Jenelle has shown that she is not ready to be a mom yet. Her mom was the one who was getting up with him at night and taking him to daycare everyday.
Jenelle is fighting with a friend and this friend has taken to her Fromspring to release some info about Jenelle’s personal life. The friend claims Jenelle smokes weed in front of her child. Someone had asked Jenelle if she has ever smoked in front of Jace a few months ago and her response was no. The girl also claims that Jenelle left Jace in the car while she went out with friends to party.
Those are some pretty terrible accusations. I hope for the sake of poor baby Jace that the accusations are false and that this is just a girl who is looking for revenge.
this is all just way to sad. MTV should just stop with 16& Pregnant after the the third season! sooo many parents are geting upset because they fear their kids will get pregnant on purpose to try and be on the show! mtv claims to not be glamorizing teen pregnancy....but come on ppl after the first 16& pregnant and their ratings were huge....they kept it going....sad
ReplyDeleteI have to agree with you. I find the show interesting, but I do think that some teens are getting the wrong ideas. I can't tell you how many girls I have on Jenelle's Formspring asking how they can get on the show. It makes me mad. Girl's should not be trying to get pregnant to be on some show on MTV in hopes that they'll become famous.
ReplyDeleteI'm not going to lie to you. 16 && pregnant is a good show, but teens are taking it the wrong way. i'm not going to lie to you about this.. i've even thought about it. i thought it was "cool" and after seeing jenelle's episode, i thought twice. i mean seeing the constant fighting between jenelle and her mom and andrew and her not caring about leaving jace home with her mother.. that's sad. but whatever. my point is mtv should realize what they are doing.. honestly.. i mean think about it..
ReplyDeletei live on oak island, where jenelle does. only a few streets up. she used to hang out where i live, USED TO lol. but anyways, over the weekend she & her boyfriend were caught breaking into an abandoned beach house (rental house that only has people in the summer) and the cop walked in on her smokin a bowl, back door wide open. jace wasn't there from what i heard. but her boyfriend was caught hiding in the car & the police found a baggie of coke on him. way to go on being an example. i have a daughter that is almost 2 and i'm a twenty one year old mother, only a few years jenelle's senior. it's not so hard that you have to go out & get caught b/e && shitfaced. just sayin. : )
ReplyDeletei think that 16 & pregnant and teen mom are actually good cause it show how it really is and not the fake crap where it is glamorized where mtv is sshowing the truth of teen parenting
ReplyDeleteI don't see how anyone thinks this glamorizes teen pregnancy. Any girl who would try to get pregnant to get on the show is just plain stupid. As a young mom (not a teen mom, 22 w/ a 2 year old) MTV does a pretty good job at showing the hardships of a young mother. Mothering is hard no matter what age you are, but even harder when you aren't prepared.
ReplyDeleteReading this article and the comments I'm very surprised. This girl Jenelle is out of control and even the teen mom episode has shown yet i think the mom should get full custody of baby Jace.I'm only an aunt but i can understand because i see how hard it is on a daily basis.
ReplyDeleteshe's a horrible mother. i have harrassing facebooks msgs from her & text. i know her personally. sarcasm.net or you guys would like to see them lol facebook me kaylin zorich i have jenelles number & keiffers & andrews lol
ReplyDeleteI don't think MTV glamorizes teen pregnancy at all. I appreciate the show completely. On TV, it is so common for teens to be pregnant that it's not a big deal. That is exactly what I don't like seeing. On Teen Mom, I have my 11 year old watch it. She sees the struggles. She sees that the men don't always stay around. She sees that the grandparents are having to take care of the children, physically and financially, and that the teens who do take care of their children are losing their friends, missing out on tons of fun, not graduating high school or going to college (and if they do, dropping out). She sees that as a teenager in general, you are not ready to have children of your own yet.
ReplyDeleteWhile Jenelle's behavior is up hauling, it shows the reality of things that happen.
Every hater on Jenelle, you just need to shut up. I'm her cousin. I live in Nc too. I think shes not a bad mother, but just making bad decisons. I'm only 13, and I'm a whole lot smarter than majority of Jenelle Haters!
ReplyDelete^That was me that posted that
ReplyDeleteOn a serious note, I can't jump all over her about smoking weed. I'd rather have my girlfriend smoke weed than drink soda. It's safer.
She is a disrespectful cunt though, but who isn't when they're that young? Everyone is a shithead to their parents, yes, some more than others, but everyone is.
She'll grow up one day and realize she is wrong and needs her mother. Until then, hopefully Jace gets to stay with Barbara, she is a good person with good intentions. I felt soo bad for her when she took her glasses off expecting to get hit from her daughter. I was an asshole when I was young but its sad to watch now that I have grown up and apologized for all the wrong I have caused.
^^PS. I'm a guy, I am NOT pregnant...but my girlfriend is (she is 19, I'm 23) and I wouldn't knock her for smoking. I'd provide her with a better alternative such as a vaporizer or something of the sort.
ReplyDeleteanybody who thinks the MTV show is what it's "really" like, they're fucked in the head. how do you think they even manage to afford to take care of the baby? obviously these girls are getting money from MTV to be on the show, without that, most of them would be screwed.
ReplyDeleteyes, it shows the struggles and the different possibilities, like adoption, but it also shows these girls continuing their lives like normal girls, for the most part. if you are a child (and in most places you are legally a child until you're at least 18) you should not be having children, period. in real life, not MTV life, all you have is yourself. even if you have support of your family, boyfriend, whatever... in the end, you are the one that has to ultimately take responsibility for the baby you bring onto this earth.
i don't think enough kids realize this... but i think even less parents educate their kids about it. it's so important to tell your kids, even at a young age, not to have sex until they're much older, but if they do, to make sure NEVER to have unprotected sex.
If parents fear their cild will get preggo cuz a tv show they r doin something wrong!!!!
ReplyDeleteomg who ever said soda was worse than weed is dum..weed is very harmful to a baby.. whut happens if u smoke n ur baby come out with something wrong.. i hope u spend the rest of your life wondern if you did tht to your child.. a parents job is to protect the child even from the beginging. when u are preg EVERYTHING has an effect on your body.. its ppl lik u thts why thy have PROTECTION!!
ReplyDeleteHey Jenelle, move to the state of ILL, they dont care if you smoke weed in front of your kid. they would just smack your hands here and let you keep your kid. i know my GrandBaby is around it, I have no rights in ILL.Thank You state of ILL
ReplyDeletewhoever smokes weed while pregnant or consumes it in any way is complete trash! I cut ties with this girl because she claimed "weed doesn't harm the baby while your pregnant my kid is fine" she continues to smoke drink and do pills living in a nasty house with no heat or hot water...what does that tell you about people who smoke during pregnancy? Lmao! I'm pregnant and would never smoke weed now even though I have before I was. Some things are more important then getting high!
ReplyDeleteThe hardest things I have ever saw these girls deal with is boyfriend problems. The show does not display what is really like to be a parent, worrying about finances and day care and things like this. It shows teenagers its easy to have kids and makes them want to get pregnant.
ReplyDeleteSo of course what happens on MTV isn't what it seems all of the time. I had my son at 19 and any mother will tell you, what you see on teen mom isn't even the half of it. There are so many obstacles that you have to overcome and everyones story is going to be a little different, but in no way do i think MTV is promoting teen pregnancy. I'm just saying, if parents are worried about their teens trying to get pregnant....why don't you do your job and maybe turn off the tv hmmm? parental controls? I'm pretty sure all major cable and dish companies have that nowadays! don't let your kid watch it if you don't agree with the message you think it's sending. I'm not sure why people think that just because they see an individual on tv, they should automatically become a role model to children. granted jenelle is a complete fuck up in my opinion and her mom should stomp her out BUT she's living her life. She's not america's role model, and those that think that she and any of the other teen mom's are influencing teens/young adults to get pregnant need to take a step back and question why these young girls in unfortunate situations are you kid's role models! If that's the case, those families need to spend less time watching teen mom and trying to get themselves into some family therapy before they end up like those girls...
ReplyDeleteAs a young mother at 18, I know how hard it is to raise a child, my mother was disappointed in me and was always butting in like Jenelles mother does, but at the same time she knew I needed my space to take care of my daughter the way I wanted too. I had a fulltime job went to school, graduated paid my bills, and for daycare. Going to college now, still paying my bills, taking care of my child, and having fun with my friends. MTV is not promoting teen pregnancy, it was an epedemic before this show ever came out. It's todays parents that are promoting teen pregnancy by not talking, listening or setting boundries. When your child comes home and says Im pregnant or I got such n such pregnant, make them get a job start saving money pay for themselves and everything their child needs and dont go easy, if you go easy they are just gonna go make the same mistake again.
ReplyDeleteI do not think they should take the show off the air. It shows teens how hard it is to be a teen mom and I do not think it is saying hey go be a teen mom so you can be on the show. I was a teen mom and had I seen this show back then, I would've never done what I did, I would've been more careful as..not have sex. I commend some of these girls who have finished high school and are going to college, i had already dropped out before I found out but I regret it to this day. Amber and Jenlle really needed to take parenting classes. I think all teen moms should. This show is not to say go get pregnant..it's about how hard it is to be a teen mom, and it says dont have sex and if you do use protection. People have their opinions but had they done this show back in 2002, I wouldn't have become a teen mom!
ReplyDeleteI know most don't side with Janelle but I really feel bad for her. Barbara is sending her into a destructive downward spiral dangling her kid infront of her face.The way Barbara critisises her constantly' no wonder she's a teen mom.Every episode I get more angry twards Barbara she should be encouraging the mother child bond and teaching her responsibility not using Jace as a weapon. I can feel that girls pain.As far as the weed even Bill Clinton tried it. As humans we learn from our mistakes and I pray for Janelle and Chase because that woman she knows as a nother is not a mother at ALL!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI think the show is realistic because teens do experimant with sex and it shows the trials and tribulations of not bringing balloons to the party. I think it's good for girls to see how they have to miss out on school,gain weight,and deal w responsibility and relationships. As far as the girls who want to get pregnant just to be on the show you have to be one sick puppy to do that, thats like saying oh i'm gonna go become a drug addict to get on intervention or become a junk collector to be on hoarders. With the odds of actially getting on the show that is ridiculous. And for parents to actually be concerned about this they must not be doing there job.
ReplyDeleteDirected at the very first comment, MTV does NOT glamorize teen pregnancy at all.The how is very real and SHOWS the struggles that teen moms face( Of That including; dropping out of school/abandoning dreams for the benefit of the child,Losing the Baby"Daddy" and being single moms,The constant care and attention a baby needs,etc.).If mtv were trying to glamourize this show or topic,then why would they show any of these aspects on tv as theres nothing glamarous about getting up every 3 hours to feed a screaming baby,changing diapers constantly, having to put your education on hold not to mention your personal life that goes out the door(To the good mothers at least, Jenelle i would not consider one of them ).
ReplyDeleteIf MTV were trying to glamourize the aspect of teen pregnancy through the show then many stressfull, painfull and embaressing situations would get cut out to only show the "bright side" of parenting rather than the obstacles and struggles that teen parents, more specifically ,single teen moms have to deal with on a daily basis for the rest of their lives or at least until their child is school-aged.
Im a parent and im not at all afraid that my teenaged daughter will go out and get pregnant so that she can go on tv.She and i both watch the show, but not together and she talks about it seriously and takes it as a serious show. It all depends on how you bestow your values and morals into your children .I think its good for this show to be running so that teenagers without babies can see for themselves how hard it is to raise a baby on your own, and at a young age.
Have many of the parents you speak about("the parents you talk about when you say"many parents are afraid that their teenage children will go out and get pregnant purposely to get on the show") ever watched the show ?
Many of these parents need to just talk to their kids and not be so afraid of talking about intimacy and pregnancy.The more knowledge you give your kids, the safer they will be ,even though some teens will purposely choose not to use protection, the ones who are open with their parents and able to talk to them , have a better chance of staying STD free and baby free.
her moms a fucking cunt tho
ReplyDeleteJenelle and her mom need to work things out. Jenelle needs 2 grow up and accept the responsibilities of being a mother. Jenelle likes to hang out with her friends, as she should of learned from her mistakes by takeing care of Jace more. Jenelle and her mother overall need to work things out as fighting overall does not solve any conflict with her mother nor does it 4 Jace. Fightig just makes the situation alot worse. Jenelle and her mother overall have 2 sove conflict in a more peacefull way. It was absolutely right 4 Barbara 2 win custody over Jace.
ReplyDeleteI cannot believe that there are people here bashing Jenelle when it's clear that the reason for her problems is none other than her practically demon-like mother. Of course Jenelle shouldn't do drugs, but if my mother ever yelled at me so frequently as does Barbara at Jenelle, maybe I would smoke pot too. Of course Jenelle should be home more, but dear God, if being home means being anywhere near someone so cruel, harsh, and appallingly loud as Barbara, can Jenelle really be blamed for staying out?
ReplyDeleteYes, Jenelle has issues, but we all need to keep in mind that she was raised and verbally abused to a considerable degree by a heartless mother-- Barbara created Jenelle's problems with her abominable demeanor and ultimately cruel criticism; thus, Barbara is just as terrible a mother as Jenelle.
With Jace left with Barbara, it is only a matter of time before she treats him as terribly as she has treated Jenelle, which would lead to Jace becoming a male version of Jenelle.
Barbara is the real villain here-- Jenelle needs to be saved from her, and Jace should be taken far away from them Barbara, before he's next.
16 & Pregnant, and Teen Mom could be good shows for teenagers if their parents watch it with them and discuss the situations on the show so they don't get the idea that teen parenting is all puppies and rainbows.
ReplyDeleteDid anyone else catch the episode where Jenelles mom was watching Jace so she could hang out with "Mr. Perfect" and while Jace was in the high chair Barbara grabbed a jar of baby food and said "mommy's gonna feed ya"....did anyone else hear her call herself "mommy" or were my ears not hearing things right?
ReplyDeleteBarbara and Jenelle are neither one fit to raise this kid. Pete & Repeat....lord!
ReplyDeleteI agree,I think Barbara is a terrible mother. No wonder Jenelle doesn't know how to be a good mother. Look who her role model is,for pete's sake! As for her smoking pot,she does it to escape her mother's abuse. I know alot of kids with parents like her who do drugs,and they all say the same thing, to escape abuse and to try and forget how they're treated by their parents. Think about it. I am in no way condoning smoking dope,just saying Jenelle and kids like her need someone to care for them,not verbally abuse them as soon as they walk in the door.
ReplyDeleteI agree. I watch this show and just CRINGE when Jenelle's mom opens her mouth.
ReplyDeleteHer daughter is the way she is becuase she has to escape to restore her sanity. I don't blame Janelle. I blame her mother.
I have never heard her EVER speak to Jenelle. I hear her constant criticism, blame, put-downs... just listened to her say - you make me sick. that was the phone message she left. Mom get a clue... that illness goes boes ways only Janelle doesn't understand how to properly and healthily put that into words.
I think Janelle should go into counseling for her self. So she can grow. There is still a chance for her to learn healthy relationships. I hope.
I am watching a show now where her mom first takes (yes took, manipulated to be a victim only to TAKE Janelle's son) Janelle is trying to go to school.
First her mom tells her how to lie to get in by saying take Jace;s birth certificate (leading the school that she is a single mother) and then she freaks out on Janelle when she asks for tax information. A 1040 is a tax return. DUH. Simple stuff there mom.
What other ways can you oppress your daughter in order to steal her child?
She is doing so much harm to Janelle and eventually Jace.
Nothing like stepping on your own child to have the temporary joy that she is getting from this baby... until he grows up and she repeats all of this same behavior again. And then the witch/mother will return Jace with the excuse that she has given her whole life for Janelle and her 'brat.' Oh woe is me... the victim...
I think CPS should get involved with this family. The proof is in the ... well, proof, if you ask me.
And by the way, I am in my 40's. I have plenty of experience parenting and with life in general.
I really do love this show. Just because you want to be famous doesnt mean you should go get pregnant.It's very stupid if you ask me. Jenelle isn't a bad mother at first she just had to get used to things. && now she is trying to get her life back togather so that she raise Jace. But her mother keeps putting her down. Barbara isn't a good mother herself for calling Jenelle all of those things. Js.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the people who realize that Jenelle's problem started with Jenelle's mom, Jenelle has problems as a mom that she needs to address and get counseling for but getting berated every time you step in the door will not encourage her to become a better person, her only example is Barbara, if Jenelle can get herself on a better track of emotional self she's already one step ahead of Barbara, I don't often condone Social Services but her involvement with them could only help get them both in services that could be helpful. And I hope it happens before Jace suffers the emotionional damage of that war.
ReplyDeleteAt first I spent alot of time wondering why the teen pregnancy rate has gone up,but now after my boyfriend pointed it out and I actually thought about it 16 & pregnant does kinda send out the wrong messege.I myself am a teen mom but not because I wanted to be one. Tv life is not for me.Tv should be practicing and promoting no sex or even at the least safe sex,granted even safe sex doesn't keep you from getting pregnant(my son is a bc baby)but how many of the girls on 16 & pregnant admitted to NOT using any protection at all? majority, if not all of them.I think mtv had the right idea to want to show teens how hard it is to be a parent when your young but the way their going about it is all wrong.mtv could come up with a better way of promoting safe sex instead of making a show about teens who got pregnant at a young age and then half way through the show saying "Teen pregnancy is 100% preventable." Yeah it is,but making a show about teens getting pregnant kinda sends the wrong message. it's just like when I got pregnant at 17 and my dad told me he was proud of me, I wasn't proud of me, I still had a life to live,I didn't wanna add a baby,I think mtv needs to find a new way to promote/practice safe sex/no sex.
ReplyDeleteI had never heard of this girl before I caught her fight with another young woman on TMZ tonight. I then decided to google her (because yes apparently I currently have lost my mind and have nothing better to do...). Wow, what a huge loser. I am so happy to hear she no longer has a child in her life, this woman needs to go to jail until she's old enough to start living a productive life... And for all of her loser friends who stood by and encouraged the fight to continue and even progress, doesn't suprise me, loser tend to stick around other losers... I am grateful this trashy click doesn't live around me, I would make it my mission to have everyone of those pathetic people who stood by this beating punished... Look around folks, this is life and we're all living it, now lets make the best of it even if mean standing up for what's right regardless of our own egos.
ReplyDeleteJenelle and her mom fight all the time, what kind of relationship is that?Is there any relationship with her child? I saw them with Dr. Drew on the last segment and I see Jenelle has alot of anger problems. She really needs help. Her mother needs help to, because she feels very bitter. They really need some spirtual counseling
ReplyDeleteHonestly JANELLE herself is a cunt.
ReplyDeleteShe was FUCKING LUCKY her mom gave her so many chances. If I had her situation, my parents would have ALREADY thrown me out. THE FIRST fucking time.
She's NEVER going to learn her lesson until her mom slaps her hard in the face.
She should seriously concentrate on her child, not the pot smoking, coke snorting moron of a father she has for her child....
She probably charged her mom's credit card for the drugs too... 700 something? Hmmm... that's A LOT of weed.
I also find it hilarious, all of you saying "her mom pushed her to this and that" no she didn't. I am 29, and I see HER MOM IS RIGHT. LOOK AT HOW JANELLE lives and acts.
ReplyDeleteShe's being a grade A Cunt. Seriously.
Look at her attitude.
If I was her mom I wouldn't have bailed her out of jail. I'd have told her "you're staying in there another day or two to learn your lesson." Obviously with bailing out the schmuck boyfriend behind her mother's back *which isn't really behind her back, she'll find out* WILL get her ass booted. We live in hope. Honestly... she is too immature to be a mother. JUST because the child came from you, doesn't mean you get custody.
I'm on Janelle's MOTHER's side for this.
Her mom screams at her, because obviously she's not understanding anything. *look how she acts when she's getting talked OR screamed at. The SAME* she IGNORES her mother.
All of you on the "Janelle" boat are going to get a rude awakening. Watch. She's going to be stupid yet again.