After watching the latest Teen Mom 2 episode, I’m really starting to see why Jenelle is the way she is. I think that Jenelle acts out because of her mother. I’ve noticed that Barbara nags her... a lot. She seems like she tries to push Jenelle’s buttons. Then there is the fact that they can’t even have a conversation without getting frustrated with each other. They should seek family counseling to help them learn how to treat each other better. It’s not healthy for Jace to be in that type of environment. As for Jenelle’s constant partying, and staying out late- I would say that’s also because of her home environment. Who wants to stay home with someone who is constantly belittling them? Barbara completely over reacted about the tax form. I understand that she was in a rush to go somewhere, and was most likely stressed about that, but that’s no excuse to talk to your child like that. Plus, how embarrassing must that have been for Keifer to witness that? It’s nice to see that Jenelle is trying to get her life on the right track by going to college and having a job. It shows that she does have potential to be a good parent and possibly regain custody of Jace. However, she has to get her priorities straight. Even though her mother drives her crazy, she shouldn’t be forfeiting the one day she gets to spend with Jace by staying out all night. I am not making excuses for Jenelle or her behavior, but I do see why she acts the way she does now.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Maci Bookout Gets A Makeover
Maci Bookout got a makeover! Maci now has breast implants (a C cup), as well as platinum blonde hair and extensions. I personally liked her old look better. Plus, how do you think she paid for that stuff? She is becoming more and more unrelatable. What teenage mother has the money to go out and get a boob job, as well as hair extensions? I wonder if they’ll even address her makeover on the show. She also has recently said that she has stopped drinking and partying. She is more mature now, and wants to show everyone that. However, she was just seen partying with Jersey Shore girls. There’s also the fact that many fans have said that Maci has let the fame go to her head. She acts snobby and better than the other moms. What do you think of Maci and her new look? Is the fame really getting to her?
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Teen Mom 2- “Nothing Stays The Same” Recap
And we’re back with the first season of Teen Mom 2. The girls in this season are Leah Messer, Jenelle Evans, Chelsea Houska, and Kail Lowry.
Leah- The show re-introduces her, Corey, and their twin girls, Ali and Aleeah. The girls are now seven months old, and she and Corey aren’t currently together (in reality, they just married). She takes care of the girls alone during the week and even graduated high school. Good for her! She meets with Corey to talk about the relationship, but it doesn’t go that well. Leah invites Corey to her graduation, but he doesn’t show up. Leah decides to try again by inviting Corey to dinner- and he agrees! It ends up being a bust when they start fighting 2 seconds after they sit down at the table.
Kail- Kail, Jo, and baby Isaac are up next. Isaac is 7 months old now. Kail graduated high school, has a part-time job, and is about to start community college. So far, these girls are doing a lot better than Teen Mom 1. However, her and Jo are having issues with Jo being controlling. The main issue seems to be fighting over the car that they share. Kail believes in not fighting in front of Isaac. Amber- please take note! Jo suggests they separate for a while. Kail has lunch with her mom and tells her about the break up with Jo. Kail’s mom didn’t even offer a place for her to stay. She talks to Jo’s mom and she agrees to let Kail continue to stay there. Jo is obviously not happy about the arrangement, and it’s causing Kail to feel uncomfortable living there. Kail is asked out by a guy at work, but she turns him down.
Chelsea- Chelsea and Adam are still not together. He does see baby Aubree once a month. She was unable to graduate on time, but is currently making up the work at home. She moves into her own place with her best friend, and her dad will pay the rent. Aubree has an explosive diaper, and Chelsea asks her mom to bring new clothes, and baby soap. Seems like she is pretty dependent on her parents. She also has implied that she will be having her friend help out with Aubree. She’s the Farrah of this season. She is on a man hunt for a father for Aubree. Chelsea chooses to go clothes shopping over studying. She agrees to go out with a guy, Chris from school, and leaves baby Aubree with Megan. She realizes that dating while being a mom is a lot harder than it looks. Chelsea opens up to her dad about missing Adam, and the fact that she may not find someone else.
Jenelle- Jace is 9 months old and nothing has really changed. She did graduate, and plans to attend college in the fall. Her mom still takes care of Jace, and she still complains about her mom nagging her about acting like a mother. Andrew is supposedly modeling in China, and has only seen Jace 4 times. Jenelle says that she doesn’t see what the big deal is with her going out since her mom is always there to watch him. Newsflash: You’re his mother. You’re the one who should be watching him. Her mom takes the baby to day care, and also gets him ready everyday. Jenelle seems to only want to act like a mother when it’s convenient for her to do so. She feels she has a right to go out because she is a teen. HA! Jenelle and her mom get into a heated argument about taking care of Jace, and she actually ends up pushing her mom. Watch out Jenelle, Amber’s violence landed her in jail. Jenelle comes home and finds out she is served. Jenelle’s mother wants to take Janelle to court for custody of Jace. Jenelle shows us how classy she is by screaming at mother, and threatening spit in her face in front of the whole neighborhood.
Leah- The show re-introduces her, Corey, and their twin girls, Ali and Aleeah. The girls are now seven months old, and she and Corey aren’t currently together (in reality, they just married). She takes care of the girls alone during the week and even graduated high school. Good for her! She meets with Corey to talk about the relationship, but it doesn’t go that well. Leah invites Corey to her graduation, but he doesn’t show up. Leah decides to try again by inviting Corey to dinner- and he agrees! It ends up being a bust when they start fighting 2 seconds after they sit down at the table.
Kail- Kail, Jo, and baby Isaac are up next. Isaac is 7 months old now. Kail graduated high school, has a part-time job, and is about to start community college. So far, these girls are doing a lot better than Teen Mom 1. However, her and Jo are having issues with Jo being controlling. The main issue seems to be fighting over the car that they share. Kail believes in not fighting in front of Isaac. Amber- please take note! Jo suggests they separate for a while. Kail has lunch with her mom and tells her about the break up with Jo. Kail’s mom didn’t even offer a place for her to stay. She talks to Jo’s mom and she agrees to let Kail continue to stay there. Jo is obviously not happy about the arrangement, and it’s causing Kail to feel uncomfortable living there. Kail is asked out by a guy at work, but she turns him down.
Chelsea- Chelsea and Adam are still not together. He does see baby Aubree once a month. She was unable to graduate on time, but is currently making up the work at home. She moves into her own place with her best friend, and her dad will pay the rent. Aubree has an explosive diaper, and Chelsea asks her mom to bring new clothes, and baby soap. Seems like she is pretty dependent on her parents. She also has implied that she will be having her friend help out with Aubree. She’s the Farrah of this season. She is on a man hunt for a father for Aubree. Chelsea chooses to go clothes shopping over studying. She agrees to go out with a guy, Chris from school, and leaves baby Aubree with Megan. She realizes that dating while being a mom is a lot harder than it looks. Chelsea opens up to her dad about missing Adam, and the fact that she may not find someone else.
Jenelle- Jace is 9 months old and nothing has really changed. She did graduate, and plans to attend college in the fall. Her mom still takes care of Jace, and she still complains about her mom nagging her about acting like a mother. Andrew is supposedly modeling in China, and has only seen Jace 4 times. Jenelle says that she doesn’t see what the big deal is with her going out since her mom is always there to watch him. Newsflash: You’re his mother. You’re the one who should be watching him. Her mom takes the baby to day care, and also gets him ready everyday. Jenelle seems to only want to act like a mother when it’s convenient for her to do so. She feels she has a right to go out because she is a teen. HA! Jenelle and her mom get into a heated argument about taking care of Jace, and she actually ends up pushing her mom. Watch out Jenelle, Amber’s violence landed her in jail. Jenelle comes home and finds out she is served. Jenelle’s mother wants to take Janelle to court for custody of Jace. Jenelle shows us how classy she is by screaming at mother, and threatening spit in her face in front of the whole neighborhood.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Another Spin Off of Teen Mom/16 and Pregnant in the works.
It seems like the Teen Mom girls are showing up everywhere lately. I can't pick up a magazine without seeing a story printed about them. Amber was on E! News and Perez Hilton the other day for the domestic abuse. What happened to these girls just wanting to be role models and wanting to prevent teen pregnancy?
The show is doing quite well on MTV. The finale even beat Jersey Shore in ratings. With that said, MTV is in talks for another Teen Mom/ 16 and Pregnant spin off. Why, oh why?
I'm glad that MTV is trying to show the "realness" of teen pregnancy and being a teen mother, but they are failing miserably. I don't know about everyone else, but I watch Teen Mom for the entertainment that it provides. I highly doubt too many people turn on their TVs and see these girls as role models. However, it does seem like Maci Bookout is the most popular among fans, and most do see her as a role model.
I really think another spin-off of the show is too much, and again, it will just show girls that they have another shot at getting on some show on MTV if they pregnant as a teen. Not cool.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Farrah Abraham Has Got A New Beau?
Now, it looks like they only interview Tony for the article, so this could just be some guy trying to use Farrah to get attention. He claims they met on Twitter. He Tweeted Farrah about how he was upset about Farrah yelling at Sophia in an episode of Teen Mom. Farrah Tweeted back defending herself. He later apologized and the two became friends. Afterwards, they started private messaging each other via Twitter and one of the things Farrah asked is when they were going to make their relationship Facebook official, and that was pretty much it.
I really don’t think this is the best guy for Farrah to date, or bring around Sophia. I can’t imagine Debbie being happy about this either. Do you think Farrah should date Tony?
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Teen Mom: Lashing Out Recap
Catelynn and Tyler meet with their adoption agent to get their 12 month pictures of Carly. What a cutie! They talk about school, grades, and Catelynn’s mom. It’s good to hear that Catelynn is not going to let her mother’s negativity stop her from following her dreams.
Maci is still upset with the way things were left between her and Ryan. Ryan is yet to call Bentley after they moved. Maci is positive that Ryan’s parents will call about Bentley in the next week.
Amber and Gary are no longer together. Shocker. Gary is still living with Amber and takes Leah to the park to avoid fighting with Gary. Gary has hope for their relationship, while Amber says they’re done. Amber says she can not focus on anything but her Krav Maga.
Farrah had to buy a new car because her’s broke down. She plans on moving into Debbie’s rental house in a month. Farrah meets with her lawyer to see about getting benefits for Sophia without dealing with Derek’s family. Farrah’s lawyer gets Kassy on the phone and she agrees to take the paternity test. Kassy wants Farrah to meet her there so she can meet Sophia. Yay! Farrah got a new job as a waitress to help make more money. She goes to pick Sophia up from Debbie’s house and Farrah explains the situation with Kassy.
Maci feels bad about keeping Bentley from Ryan. A friend of Maci’s come over and they dicuss Ryan. She doesn’t want to go court, and would prefer mediation. She plans on calling Ryan and taking Bentley to see him.
Gary’s parents come over to drop Leah off. Gary’s mom was nice enough to bring over a crib sheet for Leah. Amber is upset because she thinks it made her look like a bad mom. Amber is upset and yelling at Gary because Leah is crying. He asks Amber why she still hasn’t put a sheet on Leah’s crib since his mom brought them over this morning. Amber gets defensive and Gary threatens to call CPS. Amber then decides it will be a good idea to put her hands on Gary... again. Is she ever gonna learn? Gary leaves with Leah and says he’ll be keeping her forever.
Maci heads home and calls Ryan so he can see Bentley. Maci talks to Ryan about trying to settle things out of court.
Catelynn and Tyler meet with a college advisor to figure out what to do after high school. Catelynn would like to be an ultrasound tech. Tyler would like to be an EMT, and then get a degree in psychology. Catelynn and Tyler are the first out of their families to graduate high school and go to college.
Amber’s friends come over and she voices her concerns about Gary possibly taking Leah away from her.
Catelynn and Tyler learn they don’t have enough credits to graduate on time.
Farrah is still going to school to get her culinary degree. She realizes that it’s hard to study with a baby trying to get into everything. Kassy calls and states that she would like to meet Sophia in private.
Maci is shopping for potties with her friends while Bentley visits with Ryan and his girlfriend.
Farrah is nervous about meeting Kassy. Kassy thinks that Sophia looks just like Derek. Derek really cared about Farrah and wanted to be there for Farrah. Kassy brought a picture of Derek for Sophia to have.
Catelynn’s grades come in the mail and her mom realizes that she can’t graduate on time. She lets her mom know that she still plans to graduate and is happy her mom didn’t get upset.
Kassy takes the DNA test, and would like to hang out with Farrah and Sophia again. Debbie calls and lets Farrah know how she feels about Farrah meeting with Kassy. Farrah breaks down on the phone about it.
Amber has decided to kick Gary out. Gary comes in to try and talk with Amber and she starts yelling. Amber hits Gary 4 times... make that 5 times. Then she gives him a swift kick down the stairs. Anger management!
Maci meets with Ryan to talk about custody. They agree to switch out holidays each year. They come up with arrangements so they can go to mediation.
Tyler and Catelynn go to their high school graduation to support their friends.
Farrah meets with Kristina to talk about how things went with Kassy.
Maci is still upset with the way things were left between her and Ryan. Ryan is yet to call Bentley after they moved. Maci is positive that Ryan’s parents will call about Bentley in the next week.
Amber and Gary are no longer together. Shocker. Gary is still living with Amber and takes Leah to the park to avoid fighting with Gary. Gary has hope for their relationship, while Amber says they’re done. Amber says she can not focus on anything but her Krav Maga.
Farrah had to buy a new car because her’s broke down. She plans on moving into Debbie’s rental house in a month. Farrah meets with her lawyer to see about getting benefits for Sophia without dealing with Derek’s family. Farrah’s lawyer gets Kassy on the phone and she agrees to take the paternity test. Kassy wants Farrah to meet her there so she can meet Sophia. Yay! Farrah got a new job as a waitress to help make more money. She goes to pick Sophia up from Debbie’s house and Farrah explains the situation with Kassy.
Maci feels bad about keeping Bentley from Ryan. A friend of Maci’s come over and they dicuss Ryan. She doesn’t want to go court, and would prefer mediation. She plans on calling Ryan and taking Bentley to see him.
Gary’s parents come over to drop Leah off. Gary’s mom was nice enough to bring over a crib sheet for Leah. Amber is upset because she thinks it made her look like a bad mom. Amber is upset and yelling at Gary because Leah is crying. He asks Amber why she still hasn’t put a sheet on Leah’s crib since his mom brought them over this morning. Amber gets defensive and Gary threatens to call CPS. Amber then decides it will be a good idea to put her hands on Gary... again. Is she ever gonna learn? Gary leaves with Leah and says he’ll be keeping her forever.
Maci heads home and calls Ryan so he can see Bentley. Maci talks to Ryan about trying to settle things out of court.
Catelynn and Tyler meet with a college advisor to figure out what to do after high school. Catelynn would like to be an ultrasound tech. Tyler would like to be an EMT, and then get a degree in psychology. Catelynn and Tyler are the first out of their families to graduate high school and go to college.
Amber’s friends come over and she voices her concerns about Gary possibly taking Leah away from her.
Catelynn and Tyler learn they don’t have enough credits to graduate on time.
Farrah is still going to school to get her culinary degree. She realizes that it’s hard to study with a baby trying to get into everything. Kassy calls and states that she would like to meet Sophia in private.
Maci is shopping for potties with her friends while Bentley visits with Ryan and his girlfriend.
Farrah is nervous about meeting Kassy. Kassy thinks that Sophia looks just like Derek. Derek really cared about Farrah and wanted to be there for Farrah. Kassy brought a picture of Derek for Sophia to have.
Catelynn’s grades come in the mail and her mom realizes that she can’t graduate on time. She lets her mom know that she still plans to graduate and is happy her mom didn’t get upset.
Kassy takes the DNA test, and would like to hang out with Farrah and Sophia again. Debbie calls and lets Farrah know how she feels about Farrah meeting with Kassy. Farrah breaks down on the phone about it.
Amber has decided to kick Gary out. Gary comes in to try and talk with Amber and she starts yelling. Amber hits Gary 4 times... make that 5 times. Then she gives him a swift kick down the stairs. Anger management!
Maci meets with Ryan to talk about custody. They agree to switch out holidays each year. They come up with arrangements so they can go to mediation.
Tyler and Catelynn go to their high school graduation to support their friends.
Farrah meets with Kristina to talk about how things went with Kassy.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Teen Mom: Season 2, “Trial and Error” Recap

The show opens with Maci and Bentley watching Kyle ride dirtbikes. Maci then decides that it’s a good idea for Bentley, Kyle, and Maci to all get on the dirtbike at one time and ride. Not smart!
Amber has taken Leah to the library to help find out some information on how to get her GED. Is she ever going to get this thing? She then voices concern that she doesn’t want Leah knowing that Gary has a diploma when she has a GED. She doesn’t want him holding anything over her head. Gary advises her to just forget classes and try and take the test.
Farrah is upset about losing her free babysitting because of making too much money. She wants Debra to help out, but she has community service. Things are all better between them now? Farrah allows her friend, Ali to watch Sophia. Farrah voices her concerns about her finances and Ali recommends talking to her parents. Farrah pretty much says her parents won’t help and she’s on her own.
Catelynn is happy that her life is drama free at the moment. Butch and Tyler talk about Catelynn’s lies and Tyler lets him know that they worked everything out. Butch lets him know that Tyler can come to him anytime he has a problem and wants to talk. Butch then gets a phone call that he has to go to rehab. Again!
Maci, Bentley, and Kyle go out to eat for their last night in Nashville. Kyle proposes that Maci move to Nashville to be with Kyle. Ryan’s not going to like this. Maci says that she will think about it.
Amber goes back to meet with the counselor from last season to talk about her GED. Amber is worried that people will judge her for having a GED instead of a diploma. She decides that she will get her GED for the moment, and then possibly get her high school diploma later down the line. I doubt that will happen.
Butch and Catelynn come over to let Tyler know that Butch must go to rehab. Tyler is happy that it’s rehab and not jail. He wants his dad to actually take the rehab stay seriously. Catelynn is worried how rehab will effect everyone.
Farrah tells her boss that she needs more hours because she was scammed and he says they will try to work it out.
Maci stops by her friend Taylors on the way home. She’s driving Kyle’s car for some reason. She lets Taylor know that she wants to move to Nashville to be with Kyle.
Amber’s mom takes Butch to rehab while Tyler and Catelynn are at school. We learn that he’s in rehab for cocaine abuse.
Amber tells Gary she’ll need a lot of support for her to get her GED. Good luck with that. Amber will be taking her GED test at the end of the month.
Maci drops Bentley off at Ryan’s so she can take an exam. She doesn’t let Ryan know about her plans to move to Nashville. She looks into transferring to a college close to Kyle. She finds out that it won’t be a problem.
Amber’s mom is upset with Butch being in rehab and she’s taking it out on Catelynn. She’s mad that Catelynn doesn’t help out around the house. I feel really bad for Catelynn during this scene. Her mom needs some help with anger issues.
Ali brings Sophia home to Farrah and lets them know what they did all day. Ali expresses that it must be difficult for Farrah to be a “mom” everyday. Ali wants Farrah to go speed dating. I already don’t like Ali. Farrah needs to focus on Sophia and herself right now.
Maci and Bentley are looking at new child care for Bentley in Nashville. Bentley calls Kyle daddy. Uh-oh! Maci is worried this could scare Kyle away.
Catelynn calls Tyler to come pick her up since her and her mom are fighting. Catelynn confides in Tyler’s mom about the fight she had with her mom about Carly. Her mom really needs to get over it already.
Farrah decides to go speed dating. All the guys appear to be years older than her. It turned out to be a big waste of time. Farrah does say that she’s not going to look for a boyfriend.
Maci wants some reassurance from Kyle about the move. Maci decides that she’s moving to Nashville!
Amber is studying for her GED test. Gary says that he wants to married to a woman who has her stuff together and Amber flips out... as usual. Amber goes to take the test and is frustrated 10 seconds in. Amber failed every section of the GED test. Amber wants a vitamin to help her remember things while studying.
Maci lets her friends know that she’s moving to Nashville to be with Kyle. Her friends are upset that she’s leaving, but they support her.
Catelynn returns home to try and make things better with her mom. Her mom is still angry and wants Catelynn to help out. Catelynn then goes and cleans the house. Hopefully that makes her mom happy. They decide to order pizza and watch cartoons.
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